The Senior Adult Ministry at First Woodway is a vibrant, active community of believers and we welcome you to join in!

What’s Happening

May GoodTimers: “It’s a Grand Day…” | Tuesday, May 14 | 6:00 pm | Worship Center

For this GoodTimers which happens 2 days after Mother’s Day, It’s a Grand Day…”  will feature and focus on thanksgiving and appreciation for our mothers and grandparents (Grandpa and Grandma)!  We have planned a special evening that you will remember for days to come.  Our program for the evening will focus on some wonderful remembrances of the good old days with a special thanks for the influence of our parent and grandparents. Our entertainment for the evening will be a special guest, Holly Tucker that all our GoodTimers will enjoy.

We are having “Grand Ma’s Fried Chicken and a meal fit for the best of moms, dads, and grandparents.  The cost is only $15 for this last GoodTimers before our break for the summer during June and July! Oh, be sure and bring some pictures (photos or phone) of your kids and grandkids to share around your table! It will make for great conversations for the evening.

Sign-up online, on the app, or in-person.

Anna’s Friends | 11:30 am | George’s in Hewitt
These single and widowed senior adult women meet the first Tuesday of every month to encourage each other and share laughter as they share a meal. This welcoming group of women would love for you to join them!  Call Wanda Glaze at 254-537-2380 or Judy Carson at 254-315-4357 to learn more.

Adult Men’s Weekly Fellowship Breakfast  |  Meets Every Tuesday  |  8:00 am | Coffee Shop Café – McGregor
Hey men (55+), if you haven’t heard of or been to our weekly men’s breakfast at the Coffee Shop Café in McGregor, it’s about time you did! We’d love for you to join us for a wonderful time of food, fellowship and faith. No need to make a reservation – just come hungry!